Episode 56


So last week I had a family emergency and was unable to post an episode. I posted it on Facebook and then promptly forgot not all of you are on there!!! So apologies for my absence!!! This also meant I didn’t work with Aries as often as I would like… but he’s doing well!

Aries is still resistant to going forward. I think it’s not a chicken and egg problem. he has tense, sore muscles from anxiety which probably don’t feel great when really moving out. But the solution to his tense muscles is MOVING FORWARD! I’ve been doing body work every time we work together. But until he gets passed his mental block, the physical stuff cannot resolve. Chicken…..egg……

As I look back on Aries’s journey so far, I realize how big the changes are he has had to make. And they are mostly internal changes, which are the hardest. I also have had to make internal changes. This story isn’t just about his journey from wild to tame…. it’s also about my journey to become a better leader, a better person! I am continually humbled by the horse’s ability to see beyond the exterior we attempt to present to the world. They see through to our hearts… bringing out the best in us. It’s hard, hard work and requires humility and a hefty amount of respect for yourself and the horse.

Enjoy this week’s episode!!


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5 Responses to Episode 56

  1. I am a Healer. I have been following Aires. I would like to help you

  2. Gordon says:

    Holy Crap! The same horse? So sweet and so explosive. Hummm.

  3. Jo says:

    Yes, I agree. My cats see thru me all the time and they are so forgiving. The dogs I had in my life were the same way. I am very humbled to share their lives.

  4. charlotte says:

    You have the strength and courage that he needs to help him succeed , he and you are shining examples of the faith created between man and beast when there is respect for each other …..go girl ………

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